Simple Game Graphics Library  1.0
Data Structures | Enumerations | Functions
graphics Namespace Reference

Data Structures

struct  Brush
struct  MouseState


enum  scale_mode_t
enum  scancode_t


void createWindow (int width, int height, std::string title)
void setWindowBackground (Brush style)
void destroyWindow ()
void startMessageLoop ()
void stopMessageLoop ()
void setCanvasSize (float w, float h)
void setCanvasScaleMode (scale_mode_t sm)
void setFullScreen (bool fs)
float windowToCanvasX (float x, bool clamped=true)
float windowToCanvasY (float y, bool clamped=true)
void setUserData (const void *user_data)
void * getUserData ()
void setDrawFunction (std::function< void()> draw)
void setUpdateFunction (std::function< void(float)> update)
void setResizeFunction (std::function< void(int, int)> resize)
void getMouseState (MouseState &ms)
bool getKeyState (scancode_t key)
float getDeltaTime ()
float getGlobalTime ()
void drawRect (float center_x, float center_y, float width, float height, const Brush &brush)
void drawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, const Brush &brush)
void drawDisk (float cx, float cy, float radius, const Brush &brush)
void drawSector (float cx, float cy, float radius1, float radius2, float start_angle, float end_angle, const Brush &brush)
bool setFont (std::string fontname)
void drawText (float pos_x, float pos_y, float size, const std::string &text, const Brush &brush)
void setOrientation (float angle)
void setScale (float sx, float sy)
void resetPose ()
std::vector< std::string > preloadBitmaps (std::string dir)
void playSound (std::string soundfile, float volume, bool looping=false)
void playMusic (std::string soundfile, float volume, bool looping=true, int fade_time=0)
void stopMusic (int fade_time=0)

Detailed Description

includes all functions of the Simple Game Graphics library.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ scale_mode_t

The available modes for adapting the canvas to the application window.

◆ scancode_t

The available scancode IDs for the keyboard keys.

For the detailed list of IDs, please see the corresponding header file scancodes.h