Simple Game Graphics Library  1.0
Graphics output


void graphics::drawRect (float center_x, float center_y, float width, float height, const Brush &brush)
void graphics::drawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, const Brush &brush)
void graphics::drawDisk (float cx, float cy, float radius, const Brush &brush)
void graphics::drawSector (float cx, float cy, float radius1, float radius2, float start_angle, float end_angle, const Brush &brush)
bool graphics::setFont (std::string fontname)
void graphics::drawText (float pos_x, float pos_y, float size, const std::string &text, const Brush &brush)
void graphics::setOrientation (float angle)
void graphics::setScale (float sx, float sy)
void graphics::resetPose ()
std::vector< std::string > graphics::preloadBitmaps (std::string dir)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ drawDisk()

void graphics::drawDisk ( float  cx,
float  cy,
float  radius,
const Brush brush 

Draws a disk.

Draws a disk (or circle, if fill opacity is set to 0) of certain radius and centered at (cx, cy). The outline and fill attributes are specified in the brush parameter.

cxis the x coordinate of the center of the disk in canvas units.
cyis the y coordinate of the center of the disk in canvas units.
radiusis the radius of the disk in canvas units.
brushspecifies the drawing attributes to use for the outline and fill of the shape.
See also

◆ drawLine()

void graphics::drawLine ( float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
const Brush brush 

Draws a line segment.

Draws a linear segment between two points on the canvas. The outline attributes are specified in the brush parameter.

x1is the x coordinate of the first point in canvas units.
y1is the y coordinate of the first point in canvas units.
x2is the x coordinate of the second point in canvas units.
y2is the y coordinate of the second point in canvas units.
brushspecifies the drawing attributes to use for the outline and fill of the shape.
See also

◆ drawRect()

void graphics::drawRect ( float  center_x,
float  center_y,
float  width,
float  height,
const Brush brush 

Draws a rectangle.

Draws a rectangle of size width X height, centered at (center_x, center_y). The shape outline and fill attributes are provided in the brush parameter.

center_xis the x coordinate of the rectangle center in canvas units.
center_yis the y coordinate of the rectangle center in canvas units.
widthis the horizontal size of the rectangle center in canvas units.
heightis the vertical size of the rectangle center in canvas units.
brushspecifies the drawing attributes to use for the outline and fill of the shape.
See also

◆ drawSector()

void graphics::drawSector ( float  cx,
float  cy,
float  radius1,
float  radius2,
float  start_angle,
float  end_angle,
const Brush brush 

Draws a sector of a disk.

Draws a sector of a disk between an inner and outer radius and two angles. The outline and fill attributes are specified in the brush parameter.

// In the draw callback function:
br.fill_color[0] = 1.0f;
br.fill_color[1] = 0.1f;
br.fill_color[2] = 0.0f;
br.fill_secondary_color[0] = 0.0f;
br.fill_secondary_color[1] = 0.2f;
br.gradient = true;
br.gradient_dir_u = 1.0f;
br.gradient_dir_v = 0.0f;
graphics::drawSector(20, 20, 5, 10, 0, 90, br);
cxis the x coordinate of the center of the disk sector in canvas units.
cyis the y coordinate of the center of the disk sector in canvas units.
radius1is the inner radius of the disk sector in canvas units.
radius2is the outer radius of the disk sector in canvas units.

◆ drawText()

void graphics::drawText ( float  pos_x,
float  pos_y,
float  size,
const std::string &  text,
const Brush brush 

Draws a string of text at a user-provided location on the canvas, using the current font.

The function displays the glyphs for the text provided, in a left-aligned manner. The coordinates passed to the function correspond to the lower left corner of the text box and the height of the glyphs is indicated by the size parameter. If there is no active font (or the setFont function failed), no text is drawn.

pos_xis the horizontal coordinate of the lower left corner of the text in canvas units.
pos_yis the vertical coordinate of the lower left corner of the text in canvas units.
sizeis the glyph height of the text to be drawn.
textis the string of text to display.
brushcontains the drawing attributes. Only the fill parameters of the provided brush are used for drawing, including any gradient.
See also

◆ preloadBitmaps()

std::vector<std::string> graphics::preloadBitmaps ( std::string  dir)

Loads all PNG bitmaps located in a directory specified by the argument dir at once.

Preloading image assets prior to actually requesting a draw call with a brush that uses them can significantly boost performance during the typical draw call when a bitmap is first used.

When a named image is used for a brush, the first time the library encounters the image asset with the specific unique name, it attempts to load the image, scale the bitmap to the closest power of two (if not already in the right resolution) and create the necessary internal representation for the underlying graphics API. For large assets, this process can take some time, noticeable as momentary freeze and general slowdown, depending on the size and number of images needed to be loaded. This of course happens only the first time a bitmap is used in the application, but can nevertheless degrade the user experience.

preloadBitmaps performs the above process in bulk, for all PNG bitmaps found in the provided directory. This can be done during the application initialization stage, before the actual main interaction loop begins. The function can be called multiple times for a different directory each time, to progressively load organized collections of bitmaps. preloadBitmaps returns a vector of the bitmaps successfully loaded, which can be used as a means to validate that all assets have been properly loaded. Another useful application of the function is to load multiple bitmaps without the need to know the specific names beforehand. For example, one can organize the frames of an animation sequence into a separate folder and load all the sequence at once, maintaining the animation bitmap names for reference and cycling over the animation sequence. Another different application example is the call of the function on a directory to discover and load all images contained there to be able to list and preview the images during runtime (e.g. in an image viewer application).

The preloadBitmaps function can be called at any time after the graphics initialization, i.e. after the call to createWindow.

Please note that since a bitmap is identified by its fully qualified path, bitmaps with the same filename residing in different directories are treated as two different assets. Also note that multiple attempts to preload the same bitmap will report the bitmap as successfully loaded in the return vector, but the actual bitmap loaded the first time will be used and will not be replaced by the loader in subsequent calls. This means that during runtime, even if one modifies the bitmap asset externally and explicitly calls preloadBitmaps (or any other bitmap loading via a new brush creation), the original bitmap loaded the first time will be used.

diris the directory of the bitmaps to preload. Only PNG images will be loaded (extension is case-insensitive) and all other files in the directory will be ignored. The function is not called recursively for contained sub-directories.
a vector of the full path names to the individual bitmaps identified and successfully loaded. The path names will include the directory name given.

◆ resetPose()

void graphics::resetPose ( )

Restores both the orientation and scaling to their default values for subsequent draw calls.

◆ setFont()

bool graphics::setFont ( std::string  fontname)

Sets the current font for text rendering.

Notifies the SGG engine to prepare and make current the font typeface in the filename supplied as argument. If the font is not already loaded into SGG, it loads the SGG and builds all necessary information for it. If the font name supplied does not correspond to a valid path to a TrueType typeface, the operation is silently aborted and no font is loaded or made active for text rendering. After loading the font, it is made current and all subsequent text drawing calls use this font for text rendering. If the font is already loaded into SGG, it is just made active for rendering. This operation does not incur any measurable overhead, as all resource allocation and convesion processes occur once, during the first call to load a specific font.

fontnameis a valid path to the filename of the TrueType font (.ttf extension) to use.
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.
See also

◆ setOrientation()

void graphics::setOrientation ( float  angle)

Sets the current orientation that all subsequent draw calls will use for the displayed shapes.

SGG maintains a current orientation (default value 0.0f - no rotation) according to which it displays the shape of draw calls. Once set, the orientation is respected by all subsequent draw calls, until set to a new value or reset via a call to resetPose(). The rotation of the drawn shape in accordance with the orientation value occurs using a pivot point specific to the drawn shape. For rectangles, disks and sections, the pivot point is their center. For text, it is the lower left corner of the text bounds. Line segments are not rotated, since it is simpler to redefine their end-points.

angleis the angle of rotation for the shapes to draw in degrees. Positive angles correspond to counter-clockwise rotations.

◆ setScale()

void graphics::setScale ( float  sx,
float  sy 

Sets the current scale that all subsequent draw calls will use for the displayed shapes.

SGG maintains a current scale (default value 1.0f - no scaling) according to which it displays the shape of draw calls. Once set, the scale is respected by all subsequent draw calls, until set to a new value or reset via a call to resetPose().

The scaling is defined by two scaling factors, one for each dimension of the shape. Setting an equal value for both parameters corresponds to a uniform scale (no distortion). Scaling factors greater than 1 mean shape magnification, while values less than 1 result in shrinking. Never set the scaling factor to 0.

The change of scale of the drawn shape along its X and Y dimension is performed prior to the rotation, using a pivot point specific to the drawn shape. For rectangles, disks and sections, the pivot point is their center. For text, it is the lower left corner of the text bounds. Line segments are not scaled, since it is simpler to redefine their end-points.

sxis the scale factor along the local X axis of the shape. 1 means no scaling.
syis the scale factor along the local Y axis of the shape. 1 means no scaling.
float fill_secondary_color[3]
Definition: graphics.h:37
bool gradient
Definition: graphics.h:79
float gradient_dir_u
Definition: graphics.h:82
Definition: graphics.h:33
void drawSector(float cx, float cy, float radius1, float radius2, float start_angle, float end_angle, const Brush &brush)
float gradient_dir_v
Definition: graphics.h:90
float fill_color[3]
Definition: graphics.h:34